1. The Forest for the Trees
2. Million-Acre Matchbox
3. Bleeding Ice
4. Rocky Mountain Black Lung
5. April Flowers
6. Gentle Snowfal
7. Sunsetters
8. Such Loveliness
9. Where to Go
10. A Sky More Blue
11. Evergreens
12. Ocean Walk
Benjamin Sigerson - piano
Chris Sigerson - fender rhodes
Sharon Minemoto - wurlitzer
Chris Gestrin - organ
Tilden Webb - synthesizer
Steve Maddock - vocals
Recorded at Public Alley 421 in Coquitam,B.C.on July 5th,6th,&7th,2023
Recorded ,mixed and mastered by Chris Gestrin
Produced by Benjamin Sigerson & Chris Gestrin
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【CELLAR LIVE】CD Benjamin Sigerson ベンジャミン・シガーソン / Forest For The Trees[CM 042324]