1. For Saturdays (vo-ss/ts?-p-b-ds-brass+woodwinds section)
2. In My Room (vo-cl/bcl-p-b;一部弓弾き有り-ds-possibly woodwinds section?)
3. How Long (vo-p-b-ds)
4. Close Your Eyes (vo-tp-p-b-ds-per)
5. Fear (vo-g-g-elp-b-ds)
6. Behind My Eyes (vo-tp-p-b/synth-ds)
7. Standing In The Distance (vo-p-b/synth)
8. Rose And Blue (vo-tp-p/elp-b/synth-ds)
9. Green Eyes (vo-tp-ts-g-org-b-ds)
Ksenia Parkhatskaya (vocal)
Carlos Sarduy Dimet (trumpet on 4,6,8,9)
Gabriel Amargant (tenor saxophone, soprano saxophone, clarinet, bass clarinet)
Ferran Donatelli (guitar on 5)
Keelan Kenny (lap steel guitar, baritone guitar on 5)
Hugh Dillion (guitar on 9)
Marc Martin (piano on 1,2,3,4,7) (organ on 9)
Gilles Estoppey (piano on 6,8) (electric piano on 5,8)
David Duffy (bass, electric bass) (synthesizer on 6,7,8)
Anton Jarl (drums)
Jake Klamberg(drums)
Alan Sousa (percussion on 4)
additional brass + woodwinds section on 1
possibly woodwinds section on 2?
★美⼈ヴォーカリスト、クセニア・パルハツカヤの歌う「Close Your Eyes」が寺島靖国の選曲するヴォーカル・コンピレーション『For Jazz Vocal Fans Only Vol.6』(TYR-1110)に収録された。さらに、2021年の彼⼥のデビュー作『カラーズ』の⽇本盤リリースが決定︕