
【オーストラリアの可憐な歌姫】 CD Frances Madden フランセス・マッデン / Beautiful World [ABC0858752]

販売価格: 2,380円(税込)




1. Beautiful World 3:22
2. Paris Melody 3:46
3. You're Doing So Well 4:30
4. Side By Side 4:12
5. The Tango Never Lies 3:39
6. Dancing In The Street 3:34
7. Pratical Magic 2:59
8. I Go To Rio 3:08
9. Sunday 3:18
10. The One Who Walks Me Home 5:19

Frances Madden (vocals,piano,hammond C3 organ,keyboards)
Carl Dewhurst (guitars)
Phil Stack (doublebass)
Tim Firth (drums)
Harrlett Allcroft (baking vocals on #1-3,6-8)
Doug De Vries (guitar on #1,7,10)
Sam Anning (doublebass on #1,7,10)
Darryn Farrugia (drums on #1,7,1)
Brett Carsad (addiitonal guitars on #1,4,9,10)
Ian Cooper (violin & strings)
Giorgio Rojas (percussion)
Karl Laskowski (tenor & alto saxophone)
Ray Cassar (trumpet)
Ben Gurton (trombone)
Rod Davies, Janine Maunder, Michelle Serret-Cursio (backing vocals on #4,9)
Gareth Lewis (contribution horn arranger)

■録音:#2-6, 8 & 9 Recorded at Studios 301, Sydney, December 2018
#1, 7 & 10 Recorded at Allan Eaton Studio, Melbourne, January 2018


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